

Fig. A system that enhances fingertip haptic sensitivity (tactile sensitivity) when touching objects.

Fig. VR training system.
The trainer's fingertip positions and forces, which cannot be conveyed through books or videos, are recorded. This recorded information is then presented to the trainee during their training sessions.

  • We have developed advanced mechatronics systems that enhance human haptic sensation and support motor learning (skill transfer). 
  • We have developed systems that enhance fingertip haptic sensitivity by utilizing a phenomenon called remote stochastic resonance through mechanical noise. Additionally, we have proposed motor control technologies that enhance motor learning by improving the detection ability of training support information presented to the fingertips via remote stochastic resonance during the motor learning of fingertip force.
  • We believe that these technologies represent innovative research with potential applications across various fields. These include restoring tactile sensation that declines with age and aiding in rehabilitation, thereby having significant social implications.

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  • T. Endo, D.-H. Kim, and K. Chamnongthai, “Enhancing fingertip tactile sensitivity by vibrotactile noise and cooling skin temperature effect”, IEEE Trans. on Haptics, 16(3), pp.391-399, 2023.
  • K. Chamnongthai, T. Endo, F. Matsuno, K. Fujimoto, and M. Kosaka, “Two-dimensional Fingertip Force Training with Improved Haptic Sensation via Stochastic Resonance,” IEEE Trans. on Human-Machine Systems, 50(6), pp.593-603, 2020.
  • T. Endo and H. Kawasaki, “A fine motor skill training system using multi-fingered haptic interface robot”, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 84, pp.41-50, 2015.
  • T. Endo, H. Kawasaki, T. Mouri, Y. Ishigure, H. Shimomura, M. Matsumura, and K. Koketsu, “Five-Fingered Haptic Interface Robot: HIRO III”, IEEE Trans. on Haptics, 4(1), pp.14-27, 2011.